Head: Leatherneck
Torso: Viper
Arms: Gung Ho
Waist: Gung Ho
Legs: Gung Ho

File Name: Stratton, Felix P.        SN: RA 933-41-5632
Primary Military Specialty: Small Arms Armorer
Secondary Military Specialty: Explosives Expert
Birthplace: Spencer, West Virginia      Grade: E-5

The RENEGADES don't answer to a chain of command. They function with
very little restraint and when compromised they are completely on
their own.

Mercer is the only COBRA agent ever to defect to the G.I. Joe force.
Initially distrusted by the G.I. Joe team, he has grudgingly earned
their respect because of the danger he faces every time he is sent in
to infiltrate and intermingle within a COBRA stronghold. It is widely
known that Cobra Commander has offered the largest reward ever made by
COBRA to anyone who brings him in--dead or alive. Mercer not only relishes
that dubious distinction but flaunts it by continuing to wear his standard
issue Viper vest as part of his G.I. Joe uniform.

“Cobra operatives are a vile and loathsome lot, their minds preoccupied
with mayhem and destruction. Their initiation rites are torturous and
inhumane, and those who have passed them can pick out an imposter from a
group of thousands.  Having been one of them, Mercer knows how they
think and can seamlessly blend into their ranks without letting off any
signs that an outsider is in their presence.”